Feb 28 2025
There’s something undeniably magical about sparklers at a wedding. The sights and sounds are pure nostalgia for everyone from the youngest to the oldest guests.
But while it can be a joyful and memorable experience for couples and guests, it does take a little careful planning to get it just right.
Larchfield courtyard is perfect for a sparkler guard of honour with all your guests. Here are some tips from Simple Tapestry Photographers:
This bit is really important, so it’s worth mentioning first. For the best photographs, the time to grab your sparklers is just after sunset, when the light is low enough for the sparklers to shine, but not completely dark. This can vary based on the weather, so trust your photographer and venue to work out the best timings. Good timing also extends to the lighting of the sparkers, but more on that below…
This is really important. As every child learns at Halloween, not all sparklers are created equal! Shorter sparklers burn out too quickly, leaving guests waving wee metal sticks while you fumble your way past in darkness. We recommend using the longest sparklers you can find, we’ve seen ones that can burn up to 2-3 minutes, producing a steady light that’s perfect for photographs.
This bit is like herding cats. Try to get the word out, so people move out to the courtyard quickly. This is especially important in winter so guests aren’t standing out in the cold for any longer than is needed. Make your bridal party earn their keep by going table to table to usher people out.
If you have an order of the day printed out, it's a good idea to mention sparklers in it so guests know it’s happening. Bands/DJs/Your Larchfield Master of Ceremonies are also usually happy to announce it over a mic.
This bit isn’t just important for aesthetics, but also for everyone's safety - we really don’t want your great-aunt’s blue-rinse to go up in flames…
Yes, couples. There are rules for you too… Firstly, don’t sprint. As photographers, going backwards while taking photos in low light isn’t easy. To make sure your photos aren’t a blurry mess (and we don’t end up tripping over someone) take your time, walking slowly through the sparklers.
You can hold hands, wave your own sparklers, have a kiss, twirl, or if you’re feeling really adventurous, go for a dip!
In summer, sparkler lines can happen as late as 10pm. This can mean that the evening entertainment is interrupted, sometimes making it difficult for the band to regain dance floor momentum. It’s a good idea for the couple to lead the way back onto the dance floor and restart the party - and your band will thank you!
In winter, everyone will be keen to get back into the warmth of the reception room, so consider leading all your guests into the reception again after the last sparklers have died out.
Having your first dance under the stars in the Larchfield courtyard is already ridiculously romantic, but you can take it to the next level by having your guests wave sparklers as you dance.
The soft flicker of sparklers creates a dreamy atmosphere that will look great in photos.
As well as being mindful of dresses, hair, and other guests when waving your sparklers, make sure you dispose of them properly when they’re done. We wouldn’t want an alpaca or donkey to end up chewing on an old sparkler. Buckets of sand will be there for you to deposit them into afterwards. It’s a good idea to have the same responsible people that help organise the start (i.e. the soberest ones) leading the clean-up effort.
If all else fails, you can hire a professional to help you out. Many fireworks companies will offer this service, and having worked with a few, it definitely makes things run a million times more smoothly. They provide the right sparklers and coordinate everything for you.
A sparkler send-off is a great way to wrap up your wedding day with a fun and visually stunning moment. With the right sparklers, some basic coordination, and a bit of planning, you’ll get beautiful photos and a memorable experience for both you and your guests.
Keep it simple, stay safe, and enjoy every second!
Please note: While sparklers create a truly magical wedding moment, they should be handled with care. Couples assume responsibility for their safe use, and we encourage following all safety guidelines to ensure a joyful and risk-free celebration.
Blog and photos courtesy of Simple Tapesty